Splash Day on Saturday, August 19 (starting at 5pm)
Welcome back old friends and say hello to new ones! There will be a giant splash slide and smaller wading pools for the little ones. Potluck. Bring beverages and/or dish to share. Don’t forget your towels, chairs/blanket to sit on, and sunscreen.
Ingathering & Water Communion Service on Sunday, August 20 (at 9:30am and 11:30am)
You are invited to bring a small amount of water that represents something of you and/or your experiences this year. Some people bring water from their home, from a vacation they took this year, from a loved one’s home, from time in nature, a rainfall, or some other meaningful experience. All are welcome to share in this truly meaningful experience.
Welcome back old friends and say hello to new ones! There will be a giant splash slide and smaller wading pools for the little ones. Potluck. Bring beverages and/or dish to share. Don’t forget your towels, chairs/blanket to sit on, and sunscreen.
Ingathering & Water Communion Service on Sunday, August 20 (at 9:30am and 11:30am)
You are invited to bring a small amount of water that represents something of you and/or your experiences this year. Some people bring water from their home, from a vacation they took this year, from a loved one’s home, from time in nature, a rainfall, or some other meaningful experience. All are welcome to share in this truly meaningful experience.